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Delivering reliability through acquiring quality.

With over 20 years of relationships and experience in sourcing and supplying new, recertified and refurbished IT hardware, we take pride in supplying reliable, high-performance IT hardware at a price that works for you.

Our commitment to excellence begins with sourcing our stock…

Trusted Partnerships

We have a network of nurtured relationships with trusted suppliers, renowned manufacturers, and reputable vendors - allowing us to maintain an extensive inventory of reliable products.

Certified Refurbishment

Our refurbishment ensures that each component is inspected, repaired, and upgraded to meet or exceed the performance of its original specifications. This provides reliable solutions that match the standards of new equipment.

Stringent Quality Checks

Every piece of hardware undergoes a rigorous and comprehensive testing process, ensuring that it meets our strict quality standards. This guarantees that you receive hardware that performs optimally and is durable.

Continuous Market Research

By conducting continuous market research we’re able to keep our inventory up to date with the latest technology on the market.

Have Unwanted IT Hardware?

If you have used, unused or end-of-life IT hardware you no longer need, our purchasing team would love to have a chat.

We buy a wide variety of IT systems and components and can arrange collections.

All purchased or traded equipment will be securely processed at our main warehouse, with all storage components going through industry-standard data erasure procedures. We’re interested in numerous brands of IT hardware and will consider any items from any manufacturer.

Have a Question?

Fill out the form and one of our experts will aim to be in touch within 24 working hours.